




?IC前額部フェイスリフト ?IC側頭部フェイスリフト
?IC頬部フェイスリフト ?IC脂肪吸引


1) 女性の美容外科
2) 脂肪移植の新展開
3) Lipoinjection with a screw-type syringe for soft-tissue augmentation.
4) Reduction Ostectomy for Elderly Patients with Prominent Mandibular Angles.
5) 脂肪の再生
6) Surgical Correction of Retracted Nostril Rim with Auricular Composite Grafts and Anchoring Suspention.
7) 脂肪幹細胞(ASC)を用いた組織増大術
8) 美容外科と再生医療(2005/11)
9) 脂肪由来細胞を利用した軟部組織増大(講演要旨)(2005/11)
10) Charcterization of freshly isolated and cultured cells derived from the fatty and fluid protions of liposuction aspirates. [PDF]
11) Arterial Embolization and Skin Necrosis of the Nasal Ala Following Injection of Dermal Fillers
12) Cell-assisted lipotransfer (CAL): supportive use of human adipose-derived cells for soft tissue augmentation with lipoinjection
13) ヒト脂肪由来幹細胞の基礎と臨床(2006/03)
14) Influences of centrifugation on cells and tissues in liposuction aspirates: optimized centrifugation for lipotransfer and cell isolation. (2006/06)
15)  Characterization of wound drainage fluids as a source of soluble factors associated with wound healing: Comparison to platelet-rich plasma and potential use in cell culture (2006/07)
16)  Influences of preservation at various temperatures on liposuction aspirates (2006/09)
17)  脂肪移植による豊胸術 (2006/09)
18) Preserved proliferative capacity and multipotency of human adipose-derived stem cells after long-term cryopreservation (2006/09)
19)  ヒト培養毛乳頭細胞に対するin vivo毛包誘導能評価系の確立への試み (2006/09)
20) 脂肪由来幹細胞を利用した組織増大術 -Cell-Assisted Lipotransfer(CAL)-(2006/11)
21) 美容医療の現況(2006/11)
