Division of General Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University


Weekly schedule for inpatients

   寧  壩  悈  栘  嬥
 AM bronchoscopy 丂surgery 丂 丂surgery丂   丂 surgery丂
 PM    surgery  surgery bronchoscopy   surgery
Clinical conference : Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday乮AM 7丗30-丂乯

Weekly schedule for outpatients

   寧  壩 栘   嬥
 AM    Tsubochi
 PM Kanai丂        Kobayashi丂

Open: Monday-Friday, 9:00-16:30

For first time visiting patients : Reception time: 8:30-11:00
1) Go to first time reception, "弶恌庴晅乭.
2) Go to the reception of the department, or No. 11.
3) Check-up examination, additional blood test, X-ray, CT, or more as necessary.
4) Go to the accounting department after finishing examinations.
5) You might get medicine at pharmacy.

* If you do not have Japanese health insurance you will be charged the full price.
**When you come for the first time without an introduction letter, you will be charged additional 5,500 yen.

Division of General Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University帺帯堛壢戝妛丂奜壢妛島嵗屇媧婍奜壢妛晹栧

3311-1, Yakushiji, Shimotuke, Tochigi 329-0498, Japan
TEL +81-285-58-7368
FAX +81-285-44-6271