Original Articles

Sporozoite inversion of Plasmodium berghei, rodent malaria parasite, to the salivary glands of the vector mosquito, Anopheles stephensi:
An electromicroscopic study

Ando K, Kuraishi K, Nishikubo K, Asami T, Waidhet-Kouadio P, Matsuoka H, Chinzei Y
Jpn J Trop Med Hyg. 27: 7-12, 1999

Chemotherapeutic malaria control as a selective primary health care activity with cost analysis in the Solomon Islands
Ishii A, Nagai N, Arai M, Kawabata M, Matsuo T, Bobogare A, Leafasia J
Prassitologia. 41(1/3): 383-384, 1999

岩井くに松岡裕之新井明治吉田栄人石井 明,河野正樹,鈴川正之,中野秀聡,黒巣恵美,浅野泰,田中勝,森政樹,
Clin Parasitol. 10: 22-24, 1999

自治医科大学医動物学教室への照会症例 ー開学以来24年間(1974-1997)の検討ー
岩井くに松岡裕之中野康平石井 明
日本医事新報 3909: 41-46, 1999

Field trials of a rapid test for G6PD deficiency in combination with a rapid diagnosis of malaria
Tantular IS, Iwai K, Khin Lin, Basuki S, Horie T, Htay HH, Matsuoka H, Marmoto H, Wongsrichanalai C, Dachlan YP, Kojima S, Ishii A,
Kawamoto F

Trop Med Int Health. 4: 245-250, 1999

A single-chain antibody fragment specific for the Plasmodium berghei ookinete protein Pbs21 confers transmission blockade in
the mosquito midgut

Yoshida S, Matsuoka H, Luo E, Iwai K, Arai M, Sinden RE, Ishii A
Mol Biochem Parasitol. 04: 195-204, 1999

Book, Review

天野皓昭, 石井 明  大鶴, 亀谷, 林 監修
日本における寄生虫学の研究 第7巻 39-61 目黒寄生虫館 1999

横川吸虫症 今日の治療指針
石井 明(分担)
日野原?阿部監修 医学書院 p195, pp1494, 1999

石井 明, 福間 利英, 薬袋 勝  大鶴, 亀谷, 林 監修
日本における寄生虫学の研究 第7巻 81-99 目黒寄生虫館 1999

マラリア学100年会議 (Malariology Centenary Conference)
石井 明, 竹内 勤
医学のあゆみ:188(8); 806-811, 1999

世界保健機構(WHO)の新しい国際寄生虫病対策戦略 特集: 地球規模での寄生虫病対策の時代
石井 明
医学のあゆみ 191(1): 3-6, 1999

マラリア対策と日本の協力 国際医療協力を考える
石井 明
第25回医学会総会 会誌III: p382, 1999

4類感染症の診断と治療の進め方 マラリア
石井 明
Medical Practice 16(11): 1813-1816, 1999

Biological Control of Habu with Entamoeba invadens. PLOBLEM SNAKE MAGAGEMENT, The Habu and the Brown Treesnake
A Ishii, Y Sawai (partial charge)GH Godda, Y Sawai, D Chiszar & H Tanaka (ed.)
Comstock Publ Ass Cornell Univ Pressn Ithaka & London p391-398, pp534, 1999


石井 明
健康: 9月号, №498: 54-56, 1999

石井 明
日本医事新報社, 編集, p.87-88, pp.481, 1999

“開発?環境?健康”問題へのアプローチ 「熱帯病予防対策に効果を及ぼす文化と環境?開発の均衡要因に関する研究」
石井 明
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所共同研究集会?報告書, p.99, pp.119, 1999


岩井くに, 梶井英治, 白石由里, 奥田 浩, 佐藤幸子
地域社会振興財団, 地域社会健康科学研究所, p37-40, 1999

いわて地球市民フォーラム, 1999年2月20日

岩井くに, 白石由里, 奥田 浩, 尾島俊之, 大木いずみ, 藤原靖士, 宮原広典, 沼倉憲二, 佐藤幸子, 丹羽美和子, 倉澤美和, 加藤 操,

月刊地域医学: 13(10): 655-657, 1999

いわて国際交流: 43: 6, 1999

日本医事新報 3928: 165, 1999


Original Articles

岩井くに, 松岡裕之, 大屋ゆり???????, 吉田栄人, 永井伸彦, 羅 恩傑, 笠原 忠, 中野康平, 石井 明
国際保健医療 13: 23-28, 1998

岩井くに, 松岡裕之, 大屋ゆりジュリエッタ, 吉田栄人, 永井伸彦, 羅 恩傑, 橋本知幸, 石井 明
自治医大紀要 21: 57-68, 1998

岩井くに, 松岡裕之, 大屋ゆり???????, 吉田栄人, 永井伸彦, 羅 恩傑, 橋本知幸, 笠原 忠, 中野康平, 石井 明
Clin Parasitiol. 9: 66-68, 1998

A potent antimalarial activity of 5-fluoroorotate in combination with sulfamonomethoxine against Plasmodium falciparum in
vitro and Plasmodium berghei in mice

Kim HK, Miyake H, Arai M, Wataya Y
Parasitol Int. 47: 59-67, 1998

Study of specific IgE and IgG4 antibodies to mite antigen in asthmatic children during immunotherapy
Matsuoka H, Atsuta Y, Matsubara H, Adachi M, Matsushita Y, Obe T, Ando K, Chinzei Y
Allergol Int. 47: 123-128, 1998

松岡裕之, 岩井くに, 吉田栄人, 古杉 譲, 石井 明
自治医大紀要 21: 51-56, 1998

Toxocara cati-induced ocular toxocariasis
Sakai R, Kawashima H, Shibui H, Kamata K, Kambara C, Matsuoka H
Arch Ophthalmol. 116: 1686-1687, 1998

Polymorphism of Tumor Necrosis Factor α gene in the Melanesian and East-Asian populations
Yoshida A, Ishii A, Leafasia JL, Zhou D, Chen E, Tang L, Lie C, Qiu D, Omae H, Ohta N (1997)
Immunogenetics 47(6): 497-8, 1998

High prevalence of Plasmodium malariae and P.ovale in malaria patients along the Thai-Myanmar border, as revealed by
acridine orange staining and PCR-based diagnoses

Zhou M, Liu Q, Wongsrichanalai C, Suwonkerd W, Panart K, Prajakwong S, Pensiri A, Kimura M, Matsuoka H, Ferreira MU, Isomura S and
Kawamoto F
Trop Med Int Health. 3: 304-312, 1998

Book, Review

インターネットによる感染症情報の入手法 ウイルス感染症の情報(2)

臨床と微生 Vol.25: 76-77 1998

石井 明(分担)
医学書院 1998 p187

12. 横川吸虫?有害異形吸虫症, 消化器における感染症?寄生虫症
石井 明(分担)
新興医学出版社1998 p82-85

マラリア 疫学ハンドブック:重要疾患の疫学と予防
石井 明 (分担)
日本疫学会南江堂 1998 p238-241

寄生虫アレルギー 臨床アレルギー学 アレルギー専門医?認定医研修のために
石井 明 (分担)
改訂第2版 (宮本監修) 南江堂 1998 p442-443

対象?疾病 標準医動物学 第2版 
石井 明(分担)
医学書院 1998 p1-2

医動物疾患?寄生虫病の現状 標準医動物学 第2版
石井 明(分担)
医学書院 1998 p2-6

医動物学の歴史 標準医動物学 第2版
石井 明(分担)
医学書院  1998 p7

疫学 標準医動物学 第2版 
石井 明(分担)

医学書院 1998  p17-18

予防 標準医動物学 第2版 
石井 明(分担)
医学書院 1998, p18-20

マラリア 疫学?予防対策 標準医動物学 第2版 
石井 明(分担)
医学書院 1998, p69-72

アレルギー?皮膚炎?不快害虫; 吸入によるアレルギー 標準医動物学 第2版
石井 明(分担)
医学書院 1998, p238-240

アレルギー?皮膚炎?不快害虫; 刺咬によるアレルギー 標準医動物学 第2版
石井 明(分担)
医学書院 1998, p.241

アレルギー?皮膚炎?不快害虫; 接触による皮膚炎.標準医動物学 第2版
石井 明(分担)
医学書院 1998, p241-243

ヘビ 標準医動物学 第2版
石井 明(分担)
医学書院 1998  p247-250

検体の採取と扱い方 標準医動物学 第2版
石井 明(分担)
(石井, 鎮西, 太田編集)
医学書院 1998 p257-259

コメディカルとの接し方 レジデント臨床基本技能イラストレイテッド
医学書院 1998 p119

アニサキス症 今日の治療指針
医学書院 1998 p191

マラリアワクチン 標準医動物学
医学書院 1998 p72-73

蛭状吸虫類 標準医動物学
医学書院 1998 p132-134

臨床指針 標準医動物学
医学書院 1998 p254-257

消化器における感染症?寄生虫症 戦争イソスポーラ症
新興医学出版社 1998 p46-49

DNA diagnosis of malaria in Guadalcanal the Solomon Islands
Arai M, Kakutani T, Kuochi F, Mizukoshi C, Kunisada K, Kim HK, Miyake H, Kawai S, Yamane A, Kimura M, Kawamoto F, Wataya Y
Ishii, Nihei & Sasa (ed.)
In Malaria Research in The Solomon Islands Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p33-44

Hb J-Tongariki Found in Solomon Islanders Associated with α-Thalassemia. Ishii, Nihei & Sasa(ed.) In Malaria Research in The
Solomon Islands

Harano T, Harano K, Kawabata M, Ohta N, Otsuka R, Uchida Y, Ishii A
Inter Group Co Toky 1998 p79-81

Hemoglobinopathy in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. Ishii, Nihei & Sasa(ed.) In Malaria Research in The Solomon Islands
Harano T, Harano K, Kawabata M, Ohta N, Otsuka R, Uchida Y, Ishii A
Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p86-91

Medical Information on the Solomon Isladns. Ishii, Nihei & Sasa(ed.) In Malaria Research in The Solomon Islands
Ishii A
Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p17-18

Malaria in the Solomon Islands. Ishii, Nihei & Sasa (ed.) In Malaria Research in The Solomon Islands
Ishii A
Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p19-25

Epidemiology and Contermeasures Against Malaria in the Solomon Islands. Ishii, Nihei & Sasa (ed.) In Malaria Research in The
Solomon Islands

Ishii A
Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p156-167

Malaria and G6PD Deficiency in the Solomon Islands. Ishii, Nihei & Sasa (ed.) In Malaria Research in The Solomon Islands
Ishii A, Bobogare A, Fujii H
Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p73-76

Literature on Malaria in the Solomon Islands. Ishii, Nihei & Sasa (ed.) In Malaria Research in The Solomon Islands
Ishii A, Nihei N
Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p170-176

POSTSCRIPT " On the Prospects of Malaria Control" Ishii, Nihei & Sasa (ed.) In Malaria Research in The Solomon Islands
Ishii A, Nihei N
Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p190-192

Malaria and Related Hematological Abnormalities in the Solomon Islands. Ishii, Nihei & Sasa(ed.) In Malaria Research in The
Solomon Islands

Ishii A
, Okubo Y, Seo T, Mayumi M, Tsuda F, Kere N
Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p77-78

Applicaiton of Landscape. Analysis to Malaria Transmission Study on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. Ishii, Nihei & Sasa (ed.) In Malaria
Research in The Solomon Islands

Kawabata M, Nihei N, Ohmae H, Ishii A, Leafasia J
Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p147-151

Application and Comparison of Polymerase Chain Reaction and Microtiter Plate Hybridization Methods for the Detection of Malaria
Parasites in Blood on Filter-Paper Disks in the Solomon Islands

Luo E, Unida JY, Ishii A, Ohta N, Kawabata M, Ohmae H, Kumada M, J Leafasia
Ishii, Nihei & Sasa (ed.) In Malaria Research in The Solomon Islands. Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p45-50

Prevalence of Malaria and its Relationship to Anemia, Blood Glucose Levels, Serum Somatomedin C (IGF-1) Levels, and Haptoglobin
Polymorphism in the Solomon Islands
Mizushima Y, Kato H, Ohmae H, Tanaka T, Bobogare A, Ishii A
Ishii, Nihei & Sasa (ed.) In Malaria Research In The Solomon Islands Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p64-72

Malaria and Its Human Ecological Relations in East Tasimboko, Solomon Islands. Ishii, Nihei & Sasa(ed.) In Malaria Research in
The Solomon Islands

Nakazawa M, Ohmae H, Leafasia J, Ishii A
Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p132-146

The Usefulness and Limitations of Clinical Diagonsis in Primary Health Care for Malaria Control
Ohmae H, Mizushima Y, Kawamoto F, Kat H, Kawabata M, Tanaka T, Leafasia J, Bobogare A, Ishii A
Ishii, Nihei & Sasa (ed.) In Malaria Research in The Solomon Islands Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p51-55

Ultrasound as a Technique for Malaria Epidemiologic Surveys. Ishii, Nihei & Sasa(ed.) In Malaria Research in The Solomon Islands
Ohmae H, Mizushima Y, Kawamoto F, Kato H, Kawabata M, Tanaka T, Leafasia J, Bobogare A, Ishii A

Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p56-61

Analysis of Specificities and Functional Profiles of MSP1-reactive T cells Observed in Individuals with or without Previous Infection
with Plasmodium falciparum
Ohta N, Fu J, Leafasia JL, Bobogare A, Kere N, Kirimaoma S, Tanabe K, Hirayama K, Ishii A, Nihei & Sasa(ed.)
In Malaria Research in The Solomon Islands. Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p92-98

Analysis of Genetic Polymorphism of TNF-α in Humans:A Comparative Study in Individuals in Malaria-endemic and
-Nonendemic Areas

Ohta N, Yoshida A, Leafasia JL, Bobogare A, Kere N, Kirimaoma S, Tang L, Chen Y, Ohmae H, Ishii A
, Nihei & Sasa(ed.) 
In Malaria Research in The Solomon Islands. Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p82-85

Identification of a Novel Neutrophil Chemotactic Factor from Red Blood Cells in Malaria. Ishii, Nihei & Sasa(ed.) In Malaria Research
in The Solomon Islands

Owhashi M, Shimada K, Uemura H, Kanbara H, Ohta N, Ohmae H, Ishii A
Inter Group Co Tokyo 1998 p99-102


石井 明
平成10年度長崎大学熱帯医学研究所共同研究集会報告書 p.11-17, 1998.


平成9年度厚生科学研究費補助金事業報告書 災害時支援対策総合研究事業 p.71-72, 1998.

David Warner, David Sanders いのち?開発?NGO-子どもの健康が地球社会を変える-
岩井くに 訳
第17章 p.308-317, 1998.

平成9年度厚生科学研究費補助金事業報告書 災害時支援対策総合研究事業 p.31-33, 1998.


Original Articles

MSP1-reactive T cells in individuals in malaria endemic Solomon area and in non-immune Japanese
Fu J, Kunimitsu M, Leafasia JL, Kere N, Tanabe K, Hirayama K, Ishii A, Satioh-Ito A, Sasaki M, Ohta N
Parasitology International 46(1): 7-16, 1997


Jpn J Clin Pharmacol Ther 28: 683-691, 1997



Jpn J Clin Pharmacol Ther 28: 757-765, 1997

岩井くに,吉田栄人,松岡裕之,石井 明,國玉眞江,桐戸敬太,三浦恭定,藤井寿一,廣野 晃,三輪史朗
Clinical Parasitology 8:50-51, 1997

Depletion of salivary gland proteins in Anopheles stephensi (Diptera:culicidae) on blood feeding, and induction of antibodies
to the proteins in mice bing fed

Matsuoka H, Matsubara H, Waidhet P, Hashimoto T, Ishii A, Saito Y, Ando K, Chinzei Y
Med Entomol Zool 48(3): 211-218, 1997

野口忠秀, 赤坂庸子, 神部芳則, 内藤浩美, 大橋一之, 石井 明
日本口腔科学会雑誌 46(4): 404-408, 1997

Characterization of a cercarial allergen in comparison with purified egg allergen
Owhashi M, Horii Y, Ishii A: IgE responses in schistosomiasis japonica
J Helminthol 71: 221-226, 1997

Humoral immune responses of Solomon Islanders to the merozoite surface antigen 2 (MSA2, MSP2) of Plasmodim falciparum
show pronounced skewing towards antibodies of the IgG3 subclass

Rzepczyk CM, Hale K, Woodroffe N, Bobagare A, Csurhes P, Ishii A, Ferrante A (1997)
Infect Immun 65(3): 1098-1100, 1997

The relation between serum fatty acids and soil-transmitted helminthiasis in the Philippines
Yamamoto R, Nagai N, Leon W U, Koizumi N, Ishii A
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 28(2): 329-334, 1997


Original Articles

A convinient mosquito membrane feeding method
Harada M, Matsuoka H, Suguri S
Med Entomol Zool 47: 103-105, 1996

Computer simulation of a malaria control trial in Vanuatsu by a mathematiccal model with variable vectorial capacity
Ishikawa H, Kaneko A, Ishii A
Jpn J Trop Med Hyg 24: 11-19, 1996

Plasmodium falciparum: Variation in block 4 of the precursor to the major merozoite surface proteins in natural populations
Kaneko O, Jongwutiwes S, Kimura M, Kanbara H, Ishii A, Tanabe K
Exp Parasitol: 84: 92-95, 1996

H.pylori 実験における正常ヒト胃由来培養細胞(HM-1)の有用性
小島利周, 谷口友志, 佐藤貴一, 高岡聡子, 服部淳彦, 大森千里, 石井明, 木村健
消化器科 22:623-630, 1996

Induction of anti-malarial transmission blocking immunity with a recombinant ookinete surface antigen of Plasmodium berghei produced
in silkworm larvae using the baculovirus expression vector system

Matsuoka H, Kobayashi J, Barker GC, Miura K, Chinzei Y, Miyajima S, Ishii A, Sinden RE
Vaccine 14: 120-126, 1996

Cloning of mRNA sequences for two antibacterial peptides in a Hemipteran insect, Riptortus clavatus
Miura K, Ueno S, Kamiya K, Kobayashi J, Matsuoka H, Ando K, Chinzei Y
Zool. Science 13: 111-117, 1996

Effect of temperature to Plasmodium berghei and P. yoelii on mosquito stage in Anopheles stephensi
Sato Y, Matsuoka H, Araki M, Ando K, Chinzei Y
Jpn J Parasitol 45: 98-104, 1996

Epitope mapping on the ookinete surface antigen Pbs21 of Plasmodium berghei: identification of the site of binding of transmission
-blocking monoclonal antibody 13.1

Spano F, Matsuoka H, Ozawa R, Chinzei Y, Sinden R.E
Parassitologia 38: 559-536, 1996

Purification, characterization and cDNA cloning of a novel anticoagulant of the intrinsic pathway, (Prolixin-S), from salivary glands of the blood
sucking bug, Rhodnius prolixus

Sun J, Yamaguchi M, Yuda M, Miura K, Takaya H, Hirai M, Matsuoka H, Ando K, Watanabe T, Suzuki K, Chinzei Y
Thromb Haemost 75: 573-577, 1996

Book, Review

寄生蠕虫?原虫疾患の動向 今日の治療指針
石井 明(分担)
医学書院 1996 pp179

アジアの寄生虫疾患 これからの医療
石井 明(分担)
横浜市立大学一般教育委員会 1996 pp200-213

熱帯の保健衛生 新熱帯感染症学
石井 明(分担)
南山堂 1996 p8-14

鞭虫症 今日の治療指針
医学書院1996 pp180-181

害虫と寄生虫病 健やかな英国生活のために
英国ニュースダイジェスト社 1996 pp4-5


Original Articles

Preparation of specific antibodies against murine IL-1ra and the establishment of IL-1ra as an endogenous regulator of bacteria
-induced fulminant hepatitis in mice
Fijioka N, Mukaida N, Harada A, Akiyama M, Kasahara T, Mai M, Matshushima K
J Leuk Biol 58: 90-98, 1995

Molecular analysis of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase variants in the Solomon islands
Hirono A, Fujii H, Miwa S, Ishii A
Am J Human Genetics 56: 1243-1245, 1995

Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 stimulates tumor necrosis and recruitment of macrophages into tumor in tumor-bearing
nude mice: Increased granulocyte/macrophage progenitors in the murine bone marrow
Hoshino Y, Hatake K, Kasahara T, Takahashi Y, Ikeda M, Tomizuka H, Ohtsuki T, Mukaida N, Matsushima K, Miura Y
Exp Hematol 23: 1035-1039, 1995

Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 inhibits the growth of rat vascular smooth muscle cells
Ikeda U, Okada K, Ishikawa S, Saito T, Kasahara T, Shimada K
Amer J Physiol 37: 1021-1026, 1995

Simple technique of preparation for the small vesicles from metacestodes of Echinococcus multilocularis and colorimetric quantitation of
the viability of the germinal cells
Kanazawa T, Asahi H, Mochida K
J J Parasitol 44: 441-446, 1995

Amplification by polymnerase chain reaction of Plasmodium falciparum DNA from giemsa-stained thin blood smears
Kimura M, Kaneko O, Inoue A, Ishii A, Tanabe A
Mol Biochem Parasitol 70: 193-197, 1995

Specific elevation of interleukin-8 levels in peritoneal dialysate of patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
with peritonitis
Ko Y-C, Mukaida N, Kasahara T, Muto S, Matsushima K, Itoh Y, Yamagishi Y, Kusano E, Asano Y, Kawai T
J Clin Pathol 48: 115-119, 1995

Role of ADF/TRX and its inhibitor on the release of major basic protein from human eosinophils
Koyanagi H, Wakasugi N, Yoshimatsu K, Takashima Y, Yodoi J, Suda T, Kasahara T, Yamaguchi Y
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 213: 1140-1147, 1995

Mechanism of eosinophilia in BALB/c-nu/+ and congenitally athymic BALB/c-nu/nu mice infected with Toxocara canis
Kusama Y, Takamoto M, Kasahara T, Takatsu K, Nariuchi H, Sugane K
Immunology 84: 461-468, 1995

Chemotactic agonists induce cytokine generation in eosinophils
Miyamasu M, Hirai K, Takahashi Y, Iida M, Yamaguchi M, Koshino T, Takaishi T, Morita Y, Ohta K, Kasahara T, Ito K
J Immunol 154: 1339-1349, 1995

Relationship of haptoglobin polymorphism to malaria in the Solomon Islands
Mizushima Y, Kato H, Ohmae H, Tanaka T, Bobogare A, Ishii A
Intern Med 34: 342-346, 1995

Leishmania dibivani: Pilot study for evaluation of therapeutic effects of inosine analogs against amastigotes in vitro and in vivo
Morishige K, Aji T, Ishii A, Yasuda T, Wataya Y
Exp Parasitol 80: 665-671, 1995

Expression of leukocyte chemotactic cytokines in myocardial tissue
Seino Y, Ikeda U, Sekiguchi H, Morita M, Konishi K, Kasahara T, Shimada K
Cytokine 7: 301-304, 1995

Expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in vascular tissue
Seino Y, Ikeda U, Takahashi M, Hojo Y, Irokawa M, Konishi K, Kasahara T, Shimada K
Cytokine 75: 575-579, 1995

Chemokine in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from the patients with summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Sugiyama Y, Kasahara T, Mukaida N, Kitamura S
Eur Respir J 8: 1084-1090, 1995

Induction of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 synthesis in human monocytes during transendothelial migration in vitro
Takahashi M, Masuyama J-I, Ikeda U, Kasahara T, Kitagawa S, Takahashi Y, Saito M, Shimada K, Kano S
Circulation Res 76: 750-757, 1995

Effects of endogenous endothelial IL-8 on neutrophil migration across an endothelial monolayer
Takahashi M, Masuyama J-I, Ikeda U, Kitagawa S, Kasahara T, Saito M, Kano S, Shimada K
Cardiovas Res 29: 670-675, 1995

Suppressive role of endogenous endothelial monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 on monocyte transendothelial migration in vitro
Takahashi M, Masuyama J-I, Ikeda U, Kitagawa S, Kasahara T, Saito M, Kano S, Shimada K
Arterioscler. Thromb Vasc Biol 15: 629-636, 1995

The Prevalence of falciparum malaria in Solomon Islands detected by a paper disc-PCR method
Uchida JY, Kasahara T, Bobogare A, Saefafia S, Kere N, Kawabata M, Oht N, Ishii A
Jpn J Parasitol 44(2): 119-127, 1995

Molecular analysis of the cytokine network involved in cachexia in colon 26 adenocaricinoma-bearing mice
Yasumoto K, Mukaida N, Harada A, Kuno K, Akiyama M, Nakashima E, Fujioka N, Mai M, Kasahara T, Fujimoto K, Mori K, Tanaka Y,
Matsushima K
Cancer Res 55: 921-927, 1995

Book, Review

ソロモン諸島の医療情報 ソロモン諸島とマラリア
石井 明
熱帯医学協会 1995 p17-19

ソロモン諸島国のマラリア ソロモン諸島とマラリア
石井 明
熱帯医学協会 1995 p20-2

吸虫感染症 炎症と感染 
石井 明
現代病理学大系 第5 1995 p396-401

石井 明
今日の治療指針37巻 1995 p169

ソロモン諸島のマラリアとG6PD欠損症 ソロモン諸島とマラリア
石井 明, A Bobogare, 藤井寿一
熱帯医学協会 1995 p63-67 

ソロモン諸島のマラリアと特殊血液型などの血液学的情報 ソロモン諸島とマラリア
石井 明, 大久保康人, 瀬尾たい子, 真弓 忠, 津田文男, N Kere
熱帯医学協会 1995 p68-69

ケモタクシスの機序; 白血球の運動とケモタクシスの機構
笠原 忠, 高橋将文
医学のあゆみ172 1995 p610?615

ソロモン諸島国のマラリアと貧血、栄養、およびhaptoglobin多形性との関連性 ソロモン諸島とマラリア
水島 豊, 加藤弘巳, 大前比呂思, 田中俊昭, A Bobogare, 石井 明
熱帯医学協会 1995 p70-78

超音波診断のマラリア疫学とコントロールへの応用 ソロモン諸島とマラリア
大前比呂思, 川本文彦, 水島 豊, 加藤弘巳, 田中俊昭, 石井 明, J Leafasia, A Bobogare, S Kirimaoma, 佐々 学
熱帯医学協会 1995 p42-50

PHCにおけるマラリア臨床診断の役割と限界 ソロモン諸島とマラリア
大前比呂思, 内田ゆりジュリエッタ, 水島 豊, 加藤弘巳, 田中俊昭, 石井 明, A Bobogare, S Kirimaoma, 佐々 学
熱帯医学協会 1995 p36-41

尿化学検査, 免疫学的検査; マクロファージ遊走因子
高橋将文, 笠原 忠
日本臨床 53 1995 p819-821


Original Articles

Essential involvement of IL8 in neutrophil recruitment in rabbit withacute experimental arthritisinduced by lipopolysaccharide and IL-1
Akahoshi T, Endo H, Kondo H, Kashiwazaki S, Kasahara T, Mukaida N, Harada A, Matsushima K
Lymphok Cytok Res 13: 113-116, 1994

Expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 on rat cardiac myocyte by monocyte chemoattractant protein-1. (MCP-1)
Ban K, Ikeda U, Takahashi M, Kanbe T, Kasahara T, Shimada K
Cardiovasc Res 28(8): 1258-1262, 1994

Molecualr analysis of the transcrip-tional regulation of the IL8 gene andestablishment of essential roles of IL8 in acute inflammation
Harada A, Okamoto SI, Sekido N, Kuno K, Horiguchi H, Akiyama M, Akahoshi T, Yasumoto K, Kasahara T, Mukaida N, Matsushima K
Molecular Basis of Inflammation Challenges of Modern Medicine Vol.3 Ares-Sereno Symposia Publicaitons Edt by J. Navaro Rome,
Italy pp155-161, 1994

The presence of apotosis in refractory anemia of myelodysplasia In" Molecular Biology of Hematopoiesis" vol.3. ed. by Abraham et al
Hatake K, Tomizuka H, Ikeda M, Tsunoda J, Hoshino Y, Ohtsuki T, Kasahara T, Yonehara S, Miura Y
Intercept Ltd. Hampshire, UK., p127-133, 1994

A novel mechanism of glucocorticoid-mediated gene repression: NF-kB is the target for glucocorticoid-mediated IL-8 gene repression
Mukaida N, Morita M, Ishikawa Y, Rice N, Okamoto S, Kasahara T, Matsushima K
J Biol Chem 269: 13289-13295, 1994

Protection of lethal bacterial infection in mice by Monocyte chemotactic and activating factor (MCAF)
Nakano Y, Kasahara T, Ko Y-C, Mukaida N, Nakano M, Matsushima K
Infect Immunity 62: 377-383, 1994

Interleukin-8 production by CD16-CD56bright natural killer cells in the human early preganacy decidua
Saito S, Kasahara T, Sakakura S, Enomoto M, Umekage H, Narada N, Morii T, Nishikawa K, Narita N, Ichijo M
Biochem Biophy Res Commun 200: 378-383, 1994

Detection and localization of interleukin 8 mRNA and protein in human placenta and decidual tissues
Saito S, Kasahara T, Sakakura S, Umekage H, Harada N, Ichijo M
J Reprod Immunol 27: 161-172, 1994

Induction of metallothionein in astrocytes by cytokines and heavy metals
Sawada J-I, Kikuchi Y, Shibatani M, Mitsumori K, Inoue K, Kasahara T
Biological Signals 3: 157-168, 1994

Nitric oxide synthesis in rat cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts
Shindo T, Ikeda U, Ohkawa F, Takahashi M, Nishinaga M, Kawahara Y, Yokoyama M, Kasahara T, Shimada K
Life Sciences 55: 1101-1108, 1994

Involvement of adhesion molecules in human monocyte adhesion to and trans-migration through endothelial cells in vitro
Takahashi M, Ikeda U, Masuyama J, Kitagawa S, Kasahara T, Saito M, Kano S, Shimada K
Atherosclerosis 108: 73-81, 1994

Functional characterization of the promoter for the gene encoding human eosinophil peroxidase
Yamaguchi Y, Zhang-DE, Sun Z, Albee EA, Nagata S, Tenen OG, Ackerman SJ
J Biol Chem 269: 19410-19419, 1994

Book, Review

免疫学的検査 PHA/Con A
荒川洋一, 笠原 忠
Medicina 31: 659-662, 1994

走化性因子による好酸球cytokine産生の誘導 Progress
平井浩一, 宮里美里, 笠原 忠
Medicine 14: 2463-2467, 1994

笠原 忠, 山口祐司, 原 健二, 五十嵐正絋, 中野康平
自治医大紀要 17: 101-109, 1994

マクロファージ由来炎症性蛋白質 Macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP-1α/β, MIP-2) について
笠原 忠
臨床免疫 26: 605-611, 1994

感染?炎症性疾患におけるケモカイン (IL-8, MCAF) の検出とその役割 
笠原 忠, 向田直史, 松島綱治
呼吸 13:636, 1994

免疫検査実践マニュアル サイトカイン
笠原 忠
検査と技術 22: 365-367, 1994

森田光哉, 笠原 忠
Medicina 31: 678-679, 1994

心筋組織におけるmonocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1) および IL-8遺伝子の発現解析
清野義胤, 池田宇一, 高橋将文, 関口弘道, 神戸とし子, 笠原 忠, 島田和幸
心筋の構造と代謝 16: 309-315, 1994

Macrophage as producer of chemotactic inflammatory cytokines
Nielsen B W, Mukaida N, Kasahara T, Matsushima, K
In Macrophage-Pathogen Interactions Marcel-Dekker ed. by Zwilling & Eisenstein New York p131-142, 1994


Original Articles

ラット心筋細胞におけるMonocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) の発現とその作用
伴 和信,池田宇一, 鶴谷善夫, 山本啓二, 清野義胤,神戸とし子,笠原 忠, 島田和幸
心筋の構造と代謝15: 355-359, 1993

Human eosinophil Charcot-Lyden crystal protein : Cloning and characterization of a lyso-phospholipase gene promoter
Gomolin HJ, Yamaguchi Y, Paulpillai AV, Dvorak LA, Ackerman SJ, Tennen DG
Blood 82 : 1868-1874, 1993

Expression of recombinant rabbit IL-8 in Escherichia coli and establishment of the essential involvement of IL-8 in recruiting
neutrophils into lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory site of rabbit skin
Harada A, Sekido N, Kuno K, Akiyama M, Kasahara T, Nakanishi I, Mukaida N, Matsushima K
Internatl Immunol 5 : 681-690, 1993

Expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 on rat vascular smooth muscle cells by proinflammatory cyto-kines
Ikeda U, Ikeda M, Seino Y, Takahashi M, Kasahara T, Kano S, Shimada K
Atherosclerosis 104 : 61-68, 1993

Induction of metallothionein in a human astrocytoma cell line by interleukin-1 and heavy metals
Kikuchi Y, Irie M, Kasahara T, Sawada J-L, Terao T
FEBS Letters 317 : 22-26, 1993

Elevated IL-8 levelin the urine of patients with urinary tract infections
Ko Y-C, Mukaida N, Ishiyama S, Tokue A, Kawai T, Matsushima K, Kasahara T
Infect Immun 61: 1307-1314, 1993

Induction and regulation of IL-8 and MCAF mRNA expression in human glioblastoma and neuroblas-toma cell lines
Morita M, Kasahara T, Mukaida N, Matsushima K, Nishizawa M, Yoshida M
Eur Cytok Network 4 : 351-358, 1993

Elevation of amniotic fluid interleu-kin-6 (IL-6), IL-8 and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) in term and preterm parturition
Saito S, Kasahara T, Kato Y, Ishihara Y, Ichijo M
Cytokine 5 : 81-88, 1993

Passive immunization with anti-parathyroid hormone-related protein monoclonal antibody markedly prolongs survival time of hyper-calcemic
nude mice bearing transplanted human PTHrP -producing tumors
Sato K, Yamakawa Y, Shizume K, Sato T, Nohtomi K, Demura H, Akatsu Y, Nagata N, Kasahara T, Ohkawa H, Ohsumi K
J Bone Mineral Res 8: 849-860, 1993

Induction of inflammatory cytokines in the pleural effusion of cancer patients after the administration of an immunomodulator, OK-432: Role of
IL-8 for neutrophil infiltration
Tsuchiya I, Kasahara T, Yamashita K, Ko Y-C, Kanazawa K, Matsushima K, Mukaida N
Cyto-kine 5: 595-603, 1993

DNA diagnosis of falciparum malaria using a double PCR technique: a field trial in the Solomon Islands
Wataya Y, Arai M, Kubouchi F, Mizukoshi C, Kakutani T, Ohta N, Ishi A
Mol Biochem Parasitol 58: 165-167, 1993

Expression of c-kit mRNA and protein during the differen-tiation of human hematopoietic progenitor cells
Yamaguchi Y, Gunj Y, Nakamura M, Hayakawa K, Maeda M, Osawa H, Nagayoshi K, Kasahara T, Suda T
Exp Hematol 21: 1233-1238, 1993

Expression of mRNA for the GATA-binding proteins in human eosinophils and basophils : Potential role in gene transcription
Zon LI, Yamaguchi Y, Yee K, Albee EA, Kimura A, Bennett JC, Orkin SA, Ackerman SN
Blood 81: 3234-3241, 1993

Book, Review

「受容体タンパク質」 5.サイトカイン型受容体 1.IL-1受容体
笠原 忠
タンパク質化学講座 第2巻 p139-144, 1993

笠原 忠
医学のあゆみ167 : 261-265, 1993

サイトカインと免疫機能 IL- 6
高余洲,笠原 忠
Medical Technology 21: 636-639, 1993

森田光哉,笠原 忠
Biomedica 8 : 42-45, 1993

中野康伸,笠原 忠
臨床医19 : 104-108, 1993

閉経と臨床検査 インターロイキンと骨変化
中村雅典,笠原 忠
臨床検査37: 402-404, 1993

日本臨床 51: 195-200, 1993

Copyright@Division of Medical Zoology, Department of Infection and Immunity, Jichi Medical University all right researved.
No reproduction or republication without written permission.